Case Study



Web Design, Wordpress Development

Mavrck is a leading marketing platform that helps brands identify and activate their most influential customers, also known as "micro-influencers."

The Challenge

In a fast growing environment the client wanted to update the existing website in order to portray a clear messaging fo their activity and to increase user engagement with their Marketing Platform.

The Approach

Working in collaboration with Mavrck, we created a new content strategy and information architecture, and focused on creating a modern and visually appealing design, while highlighting their platform features and benefits.

Design System

The objective was to establish a library of reusable components that adhered to the client's comprehensive guidelines, encompassing components and assets.


A design system with flexible components.


Mavrck wanted the addition of a blog to create and share relevant content and build trust with their audience. .


All content was tailored for larger screens, allowing for more visually appealing and immersive experience.


Mobile layouts were given equal importance as they ensure an optimal user experience for users accessing the website on hand-held devices.


The redesign had improved navigation, enhanced content structure and engaging visuals. The website successfully launched with positive user feedback and increased platform engagement.